Sunday, October 2, 2011

Conduit Urbanism

Defination: Conduit Urbanism explores large-scale systems and networks of the Great Lakes Megaregion. Positioned within the lineage of speculative, visionary urban proposals, this work investigates how existing infrastructural systems—designed for the 20th century, currently on the edge of maximum capacity and immanent collapse—might be modified and mobilized to address the needs of the 21st century and beyond. How might the specific characteristics of these systems that lie at the root of their contemporary failure be reconsidered in terms of their inherent potential for modification and enhancement. (

Image from:

From my understanding, the Conduit Urbanism researchers regard the network of infrastructure(highway, railway, pipeline, etc) as the "spatial matrix" of conduit, which is the vital element supporting the movement of people, freight, and power. If architects and city planners fully recognize the importance of this "spatial matrix" of conduit and fully develop the potential of this matrix to improve our living environment, our cities might have a brighter future.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Its form is kind of lineage conduit-look. But it might be better if you call it "spatial matrix" of potential function.

    What is this kind of Conduit Urbanism's realized application? Can you talk more about the potential use? Such as being used as landscape or temporary service structure?

  3. The word "Conduit Urbanism" and "spatial matrix" is quite new and original to me.They made me think of the concept "liner city". As US is a automobile-oriented country, cities build along highways could be an interesting and possible way to conduct more efficient transportation. And I'm curious about the specific details or some resources of how this kind of city are planned.
