Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Amphibious city

Amphibious city
Amphibious means “able to live both on land or in water”. (www.m-w.com)
Normally, when we hear the word “amphibious”, we always relates it to animals, such as frogs and toad. These animals are featured by their unique abilities to live both on land and in water. Scientific research shows that amphibians have been survived for millions of years, during which time numerous species were distinguished because of climate change or some other reasons. One of the biggest challenge we are facing today is the global warming, which will leads to the sea level rising to 10 feet in future hundred years and sink many cities into water. What’s our strategy towards this disaster and how to make our cities survive in water, the answer of which may possibly be found in the characteristics of amphibians. Future buildings can be capable of breathing can be away from erosion by sea. And some cities may be able to float on water. There will be underwater streets, restaurants, exhibitions, hotels, you name it. Amphibious city will become our new habitats to bring us more exciting life.

Footloose floating housing concept - Amfibischwonen competition 
"The larger the structure the wider the range of sea conditions it can tolerate thus allowing it to be located farther from shore. (though this comes with the caveat that the farther from shore the more expensive the transportation due to the limited spectrum of capability current transport technology provides) This presents an interesting possibility. One is not limited to the creation of just a single home. One can found freely expanding communities and/or businesses, moving them progressively farther out to sea as they increase in potential self-sufficiency and in the scale of transportation they can support. This capability is what compelled me to suggest structures like this as the basis of marine eco-villages which could grow into full-fledged marine colonies -polution-free self supporting cities- that could move out beyond the 200 mile national boundaries of the nations that spawned them to become new autonomous self-mobile states. That may seem fantastic but there are no longer any technological obstacles to it."

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