Friday, September 23, 2011


Definition  an architectural movement or style influenced by deconstruction that encourages radical freedom of form and the open manifestation of complexity in a building rather than strict attention to functional concerns and conventional design elements (as right angles or grids)

Deconstructivism which is juxtapostion to Bauhaus principles tends to distort the element of building such as wall, window,roof. The perpendicular wall and horizontal roof become tortuous surface which makes hard to distinguish between the wall and roof. The visual apperence is always stimulate strong sense of disorder and seems irrational.But accutally, deconstrucivisim has it's own logical design process and highly controlled.

"The deconstructivist reading of Complexity and Contradiction is quite different. The basic building was the subject of problematics and intricacies in deconstructivism, with no detachment for ornament. Rather than separating ornament and function, like postmodernists such as Venturi, the functional aspects of buildings were called into question. Geometry was to deconstructivists what ornament was to postmodernists, the subject of complication, and this complication of geometry was in turn, applied to the functional, structural, and spatial aspects of deconstructivist buildings.

Artists Naum Gabo, El Lissitzky, and Alexander Rodchenko, have influenced the graphic sense of geometric forms of deconstructivist architects such as Zaha Hadid and Coop Himmelb(l)au. Both Deconstructivism and Constructivism have been concerned with the tectonics of making an abstract assemblage. Both were concerned with the radical simplicity of geometric forms as the primary artistic content, expressed in graphics, sculpture and architecture. The Constructivist tendency toward purism, though, is absent in Deconstructivism: form is often deformed when construction is deconstructed. Also lessened or absent is the advocacy of socialist and collectivist causes."


  1. what context did the term come up in for you? does it relate to anything specific you are reading or working on this semester?

  2. What do you like this kind of architecture style?
