Friday, September 23, 2011


Icon is "a sign (as a word or graphic symbol) whose form suggests its meaning" (

Icon should  have specific properties in common with its object. When it is  applied to architecture or urban planning, the word means " Landmarks of Hope and Glory" ( by Deyan Sudjic who had repeatedly attacked iconic buildings in his Observer column).

Many architects nowadays are crazy about iconic buildings. They usually have the shape of something uncanny, fascinating, horrible, and lovely, which make themselves landmarks of surrouding area and easily remembered.

In the case of Norman Foster's Swiss Re skyscraper in London,  viewers find it looks like a missle, screw, bullet, pinecone, cigar--and also somewhat far-fetched--brain and Russian Doll. The building is no doubt an icon building. It is so world-famous that people just call it " pickle" . Icon used in architecture means that people can find references in those buildings. (Images from
Posted by Shuchen Lin

1 comment:

  1. so are there any iconic buildings in ann arbor? or iconic for the UM? what are they? if you knew about them before you came here, then you got here and saw them, what did you think?
    these are questions for anyone....
