Monday, September 26, 2011


Ecoliteracy. "The ability to understand the natral system that make life on earth possible."


To be ecoliteracy, you need not only understand the principles of organization of ecological communities, but aslo use those priciples for creating sustainable human communities. For our designers,  you are ecologically literate when you have a solid understanding of the ecosphere and your local bioregion. These knowledge may include:
The type of soil in your place?
The popular native plants in your region? If they are edible or not?
The names of popular birds in your region? If they are migratory?
How the land has been used?
Where does the energy come from?
The primary pollution in your region?

Fritjof Capra, the founding director of the Center for Ecoliteracy, pointed out that in the coming decades, the survival of humanity would depend on ecoliteracy--- our ability to understand the basic principles of ecology and live accordingly. To attain this goal, we must have ecolitery education at all levels, from primary school to universities.

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