Saturday, September 24, 2011


Basically territoriality is an anthropological term that associated with the behavior of an animal that defines and defends its territory. In architecture and urban study field, it refers to how people use space to make declaration of territory.

A common example of communicating territoriality is the fence around people’s house. It conveys the information of owning a larger land than just the foot print of the house. Without the fence, it becomes a public space. Some people may use plants or personal stuff to show the ownership of the land.

States and nations act in several ways to realize territoriality. A national flag is an icon of territoriality marks. “A nation state can establish common ideals amongst its citizens which lead to territoriality. Nationalism is an example of this. National pride, common religious practices, and politics all play a role in a state's territoriality.” – Wikipedia

Zuliang Guo


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Is territoriality involved in your studio project?
    Who are the entities establishing territory?
